Online Order Instructions

Dear Devotee,

When you come to pick up your order at the Hindu Temple Cultural & Education Center (CEC), please follow the instructions outlined below.  Please do not violate any of these rules under any circumstances which will violate County and State COVID-19 Guidelines.

    • When you reach the Cultural & Education Center (CEC), please pull your vehicle in front of the main entrance doors (this is only if no other vehicle is waiting). 
    • Please bring Your Oder # with you. Please display order # (in big letters) on your vechicle window facing the Cultural & Education Center. Kitchen Staff member will bring your order  to you. You do not have to call the kitchen staff ahead of time on your order any more.
    • Please do not approach or have physical contact with any of the kitchen staff members or do not try to talk them under any circumstances.  If you have any question, please call the kitchen staff over the phone (636) 220 2700.
    • If there is a vehicle already waiting in front of the Cultural & Education Center, then please park your car in a parking spot and wait inside your car.  Once the other vehicle waiting in front of CEC is departed, please proceed to the front of the CEC.  Please get out of the car only once the staff member placed the order at the designated spot outside the glass doors. 
    • Please don’t congregate with or try to talk to any other Devotees that have come to pick up the orders.  Please maintain social distance and respect all the County and State COVID-19 guidelines. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in these difficult and unusual times.